Éclat Part 119
I hate twitter as much as the next person, but it's a surprisingly good place to turn up some killer sample packs. This one comes from a creator I'm not familiar with, AQUASINE, who is making some really cute, bloopy pop music. They crowdsourced these 50 spam call voicemails for our sampling pleasure!
Today's challenge is to use at least one of the samples, plus any other sounds or instruments that you like, to make a track of ± 2 minutes long. You can stretch, warp, and effect the samples as much as you like, so get creative. You can download the samples for free from here (or you can slip the creator a couple of Euros if you want to)
Please upload your track to this Google Drive by 20:30 Berlin time, and then rejoin the Zoom call at 21:00 for our celebratory listening session!
Check out what we made!
Need some inspiration for what to do with the samples? Check out the videos below!