Éclat Part 76
We're back to the wonderful archive of sample packs that very generous artists have created and put up on Bandcamp for Pay What You Want! This week we've discovered the unbelievably endearing Lullatone and their collection of Pay-What-You-Want sample packs available on their Bandcamp!
There are SO many to choose from, but for this week's challenge we've chosen their 'Bowed Glockenspiel' Sample Set. You can download for free from their bandcamp; just enter 0€ in the Pay-What-You-Want field. If you have any trouble downloading, send me a message and I'll help you out!
When you download the folder, first there's a folder with some example tracks, then there's another .zip file where you can find Ableton (.alp), Kontakt (.nki) and individual sample files of the notes (for other samplers).
The challenge is to use at least one of the samples from the pack, plus any other sounds you like, to make a track of ± 2 mins.
Check out what we made below!