The website has collaborated with Youtuber Andrew Huang to share some tracks he made for his series 'Weird Gear'!
Today we're going to be using only the INSTRUMENTALS from the track he made with the 'unpredictable, experimental synthesizer' Folktek Mescaline to make our own tracks. The tracks available within the pack are:
I Am The Kaleidoscope (don't use this one)
Architeuthis Dux
Dark Click
Gaussian Blur
Mental Intro
I Am The Kaleidoscope is a full vocal track; for this challenge, just use the other, instrumental / experimental sounds to make your own track, plus any other sounds, sythns or effects you'd like to.
Download Andrew's original tracks from the Reverb website here!
Here's what we made:

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Chopping Samples with Ableton Simpler
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Creating a Kick Drum from Scratch (Logic Pro X)
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Ableton: Making Vocal Chops
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How to make a Vocal Chop track
How to make a Vocal Chop track
Ableton: Make your samples sustain in Sampler
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Bwana: Creative Ways of using Vocals
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Novation // Start Making – Techno
Novation // Start Making – Techno
Bitwig: Creative Ways of Manipulating Audio
Bitwig: Creative Ways of Manipulating Audio
Ableton: Using Reslicing as a Creative Sampling Tool
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Bwana: Sampling from Youtube
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Logic: Sampling in Logic with “How to sample like Kanye West”
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